Domestic Violence Information

When a spouse, cohabitant, family member or a person with whom a party has had a dating relationship alleges abuse or harassment the Court may make immediate orders for the protection of the aggrieved party.  Such actions are separate and independent and orders will be issued without notice to the perpetrator.  Once the orders are served on the perpetrator, usually by law enforcement, the orders will be effective and enforced by law enforcement.  A hearing will be scheduled where the alleged perpetrator will have an opportunity to respond to the allegations and may request an evidentiary hearing.  Domestic violence restraining orders can have a significant impact on a party’s custody rights, visitation rights, rights to own or possess a firearm, rights to receive spousal support and can result in a great financial impact. Domestic violence restraining orders can be misused by a party in order to obtain an advantage in family law litigation and should be taken very seriously.

This page was last updated: November 12, 2011
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