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Contact Us

This page was last updated: June 22, 2015
For an experienced family law attorney who can guide you to practical and effective results, 
call us at:  916-921-1859
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The Law Offices of Robert C. Pacuinas maintains policies and procedures designed to protect the interests of our existing clients as well as the interests of potential new clients communicating with our firm. To that end, our firm's policy is to check for potential conflicts of interest before receiving any information that may be considered confidential.  Until we notify you that we have no conflicts of interest and that we are interested in communicating with you about undertaking your representation, please do not send any information you want kept confidential.

Furthermore, in order to establish an attorney-client relationship with our firm, we require a written retainer agreement that defines the scope of the representation and that is signed by both the client and the attorney. Electronic signatures will not suffice to establish an attorney-client relationship.

Representation by the Law Offices of Robert C. Pacuinas does not begin until after a conflict check is run, a fee agreement is reached and an agreed upon retainer is accepted by the Law Offices of Robert C. Pacuinas.  Thank you for your cooperation.
(916) 921-1859
(916) 921-1854
[email protected]
2100 Northrop Ave Suite 800 Sacramento, CA
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